• Over the years, our team, formally at Cabinet CDA has...
  • We understand that doing bookkeeping, preparing financial statements of your...
  • Cameroon's tax landscape is volatile. The ever-changing tax laws have...
  • We possess a rare blend of internal audit skills at...
  • We understand the central role audited financial statements play to...
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July 18, 2019
Over the years, our team, formally at Cabinet CDA has had unrivalled success in the audit of middle-market businesses in…
July 13, 2019
Our Industry expertise is a testament to our understanding of the challenges you face and our readiness to accompany you…
VGF & Partners Tax

Cameroon’s tax landscape is volatile. The ever-changing tax laws have plunged companies into fiscal penalties. Our tax team is nimble and knowledgeable to provide you with practical advice on devising your tax strategy, tax planning, tax returns, tax audit. If you want peace of mind that your tax concerns are being handled by experts, focus on your business and trust us with your fiscal management and you will never regret doing so.

Nfor Gabriel T.
Partner, Statutory and Non-Statutory Audit.